The final quiz we took in class today inspired to me to dedicate my last blog post to how drastically this class has changed me for the better. Within 14 short weeks, this class has managed to open my eyes to a new world I never knew existed. I may be sounding dramatic right now, but I have never had a class that has made such an impact on my life. For all of my other gen-ed classes I felt like I was just going through the motions. I’d attend class, take notes, study the material and take the exams. I would forget the information as soon as the class was over and besides my final grade, the class would not have any affect on my life. This class has gone above and beyond what any other class I have ever taken has done to me. I actually enjoyed attending every class period and the reading assignments never seemed like homework because they were interesting and always managed to hold my attention. I think it’s safe to say at some point in every math class I have ever taken I’ve asked myself “when am I EVER going to use this in real life?” With this intro to Women’s Studies class, I use the information on a daily basis, sometimes without even realizing it. This class has taught me to think outside of the norm. I view things in a different way now and notice things I would never have noticed before this class. I will admit I USED to be the type of person who would occasionally use words with negative connotation without even realizing it. I have said the words “gay” and “retard” in a content they should not be used in but this class will caused me to eliminate those words from my vocabulary (unless used properly) because I have learned about the hurt and negativity they bring. I have scolded my friends and roommates for using the word “rape” in a joking matter and can’t help but point out sexist ads or advertisements. I have already engaged in some forms of activism from this course and I plan to continue to try to encourage others to join me. I do not believe I have a friend who I have not talked to about taking this class and I tell them they have no choice, they NEED to take this class. I almost wish I could re-take this class and learn everything all over again because I honestly enjoyed it that much. I had no idea what I was signing myself up for when I enrolled in Intro to Women’s Studies, but I am SO glad that I did.
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