Sunday, December 2, 2012

Romantic vs Stalking

A couple of weeks ago in class we discussed how easily romantic gestures can turn into forms of stalking. These overly romantic actions can be found in just about every Lifetime or romantic chick-flick movie ever made. I am a sucker for cheesy, romantic movies so I should be considered a pro when it comes to knowing romantic movie scenes. My all time favorite movie is The Notebook and there is a famous scene in the beginning of the movie when Noah first meets Allie. Noah spots Allie while they are at a fair and quickly approaches her. When Noah tries to talk to Allie she denies him immediately and shows no form of interest. Instead of backing off, this encourages Noah to try harder and he ends up climbing into the seat of the Ferris Wheel in between Allie and another man. This is where things get "romantic." The man in charge of the Ferris Wheel stops the ride and yells at Noah because three people are not allowed to sit in the ride at the same time. I am not sure what the ride owner expected Noah to do considering the fact that he stopped the ride at a very high point, but Noah being the hopeless romantic he is, decides to climb out and hang from the ride. This act of love is extremely dangerous but suppose to be the most romantic thing a man has ever done. He continues to hang while asking Allie if she will go on a date with him. Allie refuses until Noah makes the situation even more dramatic and hangs by only one arm. While everyone is shouting at Noah to knock it off and get back into the ride, he responds by exclaiming "not til she agrees" meaning not until she agrees to a date with him. Finally after Noah's single-handed grip is starting to slip, Allie agrees to go on a date with him.

Before taking this Women's Studies class, I would never have considered this type of gesture as "stalking." I mean, what girl doesn't want a guy to risk their life by begging them to go on a date with them (especially Ryan Gosling)? Not until after the class discussion did I realize how quickly romantic gestures can cross the line and turn into stalking.

Here is a link to the Ferris Wheel scene from The Notebook:

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